National Council of Teachers of Mathematics With NCTM, we have had long time connection for our principles and guidelines in teaching of Mathematics. We invariably ensure that our Mathematics learning programme is mapped with the benchmarks set by NCTM. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is the global leader and foremost authority in mathematics education, ensuring that all students have access to the highest quality mathematics teaching and learning.Read More
Founded 1943, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development in a Global community dedicated to excellence in teaching and learning across the world. We have a long standing association with ASCD - subscription to its publication, participation in conferences, write ups to ASCD are our methods of continual connection.Read More
To ensure that our learners are able citizens of the future, we follow the Framework for 21st Century Learning. P21 guides us to plan our lessons with focus on 3Cs - Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity.Read More
Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning (McRel) is a non-profit, non-partisan organisation involved in guiding schools design better programmes and enhancing learning outcomes. We value McRel standards and seriously include its parameters while designing our in-house learning programme for all subjects.Read More
Project 2061
Created by the American Association for advancement in Science (AAAS), Project 2061 has established benchmarks for science literary. We, at Wadi, conscientiously ensure that our indigenous Science programme is measured and constantly updated against these benchmarks from Project 2061.Read More
Compass learning
Compass learning has been an effective e-learning platform for all subjects and grades. We have been subscribers to Compass learning tools for the past 3 years as it provides wider learning facilities enabling blended, flipped classroom and differentiated learning method - all in one resource - that is mapped to Common Core standards too.Read More
Twig and Tigtag
These websites are the world’s best digital banks for teaching and learning of Science, Math and Geographical topics through short videos. They are sister concerns winning the BETT award for 3 consecutive years in enhance and reinforcing student knowledge in these areas. We use Twig and Tigtag resources extensively in our secondary and primary classes respectively.Read More
Zeal Education
The annual ‘Joy of Sharing’ programme brings Zeal Education and us closer. With guidance from Zeal, grade 6 - 9 students plan, test and present simpler experiments to demonstrate math and science concepts and share this knowledge with under-privileged students in neighbourhood schools.Read More
Illumine Knowledge Resources
Illumine is our partner in the implementation of the Human Potential Programme (HPP) for school students. The principle behind this is to encourage ‘contributor personality traits’ in children. The world needs more young minds with broader, cooperative, helpful outlook in life as against the present trend of running the ‘rat race’. Illumine helps us make a difference in this aspect.Read More
Design for Change – Feel, Imagine, Do and Share
Design for Change is an annual competition and a vibrant platform wherein school children turn agents of change in their society trying to solve a pertinent issue. Children are encouraged to feel, imagine, do and share their ‘Change driven’ projects with the world.Read More